03) the content of all the forms correctly and actually
Website information
- Website URL: address of your blog
- Website language: select english-english
contact information
- Account type: select individual
- Country or territory: select Indonesia (if living in Indonesia)
- Payee name: write your full name
- Contact name: write your full name
- Street address: complete address where you live
- City / town: the name of your city
- ZIP or postal code: your zip code
- Phone: no phone or HP
Policies, tick all
04) click submit information
05) check the account information listed
if either click back on the bottom of the page
06) if it is true the which best describes you, select one
enter the same email as the list of bloggers (as username)
enter the same password in the blogger, repeat
07) re-write the word verification
08) click continue
09) open your email address after a few days (3-5 days)
check incoming email, whether there was an email with the subject welcome to google adsense
10) open the email and click the activation link provided
11) on the activation link, there is an option
if allowed to open adsense through blogger
select yes / allow
# If after one week there has been no response from google adsense, go to blogger.com and postinglah again some articles in English (not PA2 even if you pas2an English)! after it is enough sign up again to google adsense
Once approved means time to put AdSense on BLOG / OUR SITE ....
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