Redisplay the folder option is missing from windows explorer
This actually is a problem that we often encounter in our computer ..
Folder Option configuration is useful for folders including show / hide hidden folders.
Usually the missing folder option can be caused by viruses ato inadvertent wrong setting,
To show the Folder Options, can be followed langkah2 following:
1. Close all programs that are running, so as not to interfere with the group policy.
2. Click Start and then Run, or you can also press the Windows + R, type gpedit.msc and then enter.
3. Once the window appears select the user group policy configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows component.
4. In the Windows Component, open the folder in Windows Explorer, double-click on the "Remove the folder options menu items from the tool menu"
5. Put a check mark to disable or not configure, and then click Apply.
Now check back windows explorer, a check on the tools menu, and items missing folder options will appear again.
You can also use the software that called re-enabled portable you can download here
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